Out-of-usual-normal day.
[ sounds weird. ]
Nothing special happened.
Except that i got full marks for the maths presentation! =D
I was like, memorise the whole script yesterday.
Oh fuck, i love myself!
I don't even believe i memorise THAT paper.
I seriously believe in miracle now~
I was actually very, very nervous while presenting.
Some of the words had gone seriously wrong.
And the sentence had gone out of shape.
But no one noticed anyway.
I don't think they understand what i say.
[ college maths! ]
I don't really know what i'm blabbing about, either. =]
When i thought of it, i get soo elated!
Didn't you notice so many exclamations mark?
And smiles?
Or, laughs?
Truly, madly glad that i did it!
I still can't believe it. xD
And just got through the bm test too.
Piece of shit.
I even copied the answer behind. [ shhh! =X ]
Day was normal.
Can't wait for tomorrow's club!
--``DEMON is currently in a very great mood, and can't avoid putting so many exclamation marks--
Question of the day : count the exclamation marks! and smiles! and laughs!
--in progress--
Just counted.
Not that much anyways.
But it's still more than the usual!
[ add 1. ]
Maybe i won't be able to update tomorrow since I've got tuition. =/
[ minus 1. ]
Anyway, hope tomorrow's a good day.