This weblog does not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of anyone else.
It is solely my opinion.
Feel free to challenge me, disagree with me, or tell me I’m completely nuts in the comments section of each blog entry or my chat box, but I reserve the right to delete any comment or ban any person for any reason whatsoever (abusive, profane, rude, or anonymous comments) - so keep it polite, please.
Just in case.
If I say something stupid in the future, it’s better to be able to point out that the stupidity is mine, and mine alone.
My stupidity! You can’t have it! :)
Note: I do not take credit for the pictures i post unless i stamp my blogspot on it, thank you.
Sunday, June 22, 2008,1:34 PM
Missing In Action.
Due : 2 weeks.
Monday, June 16, 2008,6:22 PM
Okay. I'm not in a great mood now. Wana kill. [ cool, demon, cool. ] Oh FUCKKKKKK. i'm bloated in guilt. what am i doing now? i'm not studying. i'm writing my FRIGGIN blog. Why am i not studying? It's simple. Because i'm too lazy. But i'm guilty at the same time. Exam is two weeks away. TWO FRIGGIN WEEKS AWAY. And that fucking E.S keeps reporting itself. i wana study! [ E.S : Just DO it. NOW. ] Why am i wasting my time filling the blog? Oh shut up, you're annoying. Okay, whatever. I'm going to study now. I mean, RIGHT NOW. [ Precisely, after i post the blog. =] ]
Sunday, June 15, 2008,10:42 AM
E.S : Good day, ma'am. I've come to report myself. DEMON : * puzzled * who are you? and how did you know my blog website? E.S : Okay, i'll introduce myself now. I'm stress, codename exam stress. Or if you prefer, you can also call me E.S. DEMON : EXAM STRESS? what the fuck? Now, what's your problem with me? E.S : It's like this. I'm travelling around the world, taking a vacation. And i decide i'll visit you. DEMON : NO WAY. i don't need you here. i'm totally relaxed. E.S : relax? Oh you mean R? He's my friend, FYI. And he took off to someone else's place just a few moment ago. didn't he tell you? He wanted to have some little adventure, so he exchange places with me. DEMON : How could he? E.S : Of course he could, ma'am. Since that your exam is coming, i'm here to accompany you. DEMON : Isn't that worse? E.S : Not really. You see, other people, they're not as lucky as you to have Exam Stress with them when exam comes. DEMON : Oh SHUT UP! Can you just fuck off and leave me alone? E.S : Oh don't worry. I will leave soon... DEMON : *brightens* YES! thank you! E.S : 3.45 pm on the 4th of July. DEMON : * pupils dilated * you called that SOON? E.S : Absolutely. FYI, that's another reminder for you. Your exam is two weeks away. DEMON : i know that already. So? E.S : So, why are you using your time chatting with me now? *smiles* DEMON : Chatting? No way. I'm arguing with you, motherfucker. I just want to to fuck off and get your friend back here. Got it? E.S : * looks at time * Oh. I have to go now. There's many one else i have to pay a visit. But you're the first one who're willing to chat with me. You're the best customer I've ever had. Thank you so much. To repay your kindness, i promise you that i'll be back often. DEMON : FUCK OFF! E.S : *shouted hyper high-pitched * I'LL BE BACK! * scurries away. * * glass breaks * DEMON : HEY WAIT! COME BACK! Who's going to pay for the glass now? It costs me a lot, you motherfucker. * stares angrily *
Wednesday, June 11, 2008,7:30 PM
Fuck, i'm fatigued. Did you read my precious post? [ title : short notice. ] Yes, i said i was freaked over Forensic Heroes. And now i realise. I don't have time to freak over it. Why?
Damn. Why do we have exams? There's only 3 weeks left and i do not have enough time to study. I put aside my BDB series! Oh god. So looking forward to Butch. But i just wana focus more on exam. And i'm gona hug i-Feel for this month. [ including exam week ] I'm so, so going to miss BDB. TT Fuck the exam! [ Aw, i still want to get straight A's. ] Okay whatever. I'm so going to study. =] As for the movies, they shall be watched during weekends. [ Or my resting time. ]
* Oh yes. My internet connection is soo slow nowadays i can hardly sign in msn or surf the net. Fuck that too.
P.S Not having a great mood. So now you understand why 'fuck' is the word of today.
Saturday, June 7, 2008,5:20 PM
FYI, i'm not dead yet. Half, considering i'm undead. Just so you know. I'm getting freaked over Forensic Heroes 2. =) And this blog will be temporary abandoned until some interesting things came out. Look forward to it. =]
Kuantan trip. LONG one. =)
Monday, June 2, 2008,5:12 PM
Venue : Kuantan, Pahang.
Date : 30th May - 1st June. Starting time : 30th June , Friday , 6.30 am Ending time : 1st June, Sunday, 7.00 pm # Heading for the destination.
# Shy shy chocolate. =)
# Our cosy home in the car.
We stopped by somewhere near Bukit Tinggi for breakfast, i suppose. And we officially meet our trip-mates. There are 9 people, total. Like chocolate says. Uncle C and Aunty C. [ FGS, are we naming lessers? ] Aunty don't know-what-name and her son. We're going to meet uncle DWN later. Oh yes. Her son. Known as Dinosaur. [ rawr! ] I gave him that name. =) Seriously, he did look like some dinosaur. Not that he's scary, but he resembles those tiny dinosaur with wings. Just the face, alright. Not the body, FGS. Anyway, Mum and chocolate thinks he's form 2. Clever me. I guessed form 4. Bingo! I'm so right. Even i admit, he doesn't look like a form4 , at all.
Later,We visited my uncle DWN's candy factory. # Candies!
# Candies. They're not Smarties, FYI.
# Sign say :REJECT CANDY.
Yay. Then we went to our first hotel. Swiss Garden Resort and Spa. 5 star! =)
# Me and chocolate's room. [ room 8443 ]
# Balcony view.
# Balcony!
Me and chocolate did our school works there. And she's so disgusting. She smiles like a SLUT [ that's the word ] while sms-ing. She's practically flirting to her phone. Except she didn't blew kisses. FGS, your darling is not gona see. Later, we had tea!
# Tea time. =D Just how many packets of sugar and creamer chocolate add? I don't know. She practically turned the coffee into milk.
# Cosy home. # Swimming pool.
# The beach.
Later at night, we went for dinner. There's a lot of homo sapiens there. So we waited very long. # Dinner place.
31st May, we had buffet for breakfast at Swiss Garden Hotel.
# Mum eating. Like she haven't eaten in the past three days, i might add.
And she went to the pool. To digest food, she says. Me and chocolate just sat on some benches and read. And we found out that there are lack of benches there.
# Sexy mama. * whistles *
# Peace!
# Floating. She's so cute! =)
Then it's time to check out. We're waiting for daddie, uncle DWN, and uncle C to come back from golf. # The grand piano in the middle of the lobby. Pretty high-class.
# Lobby cushions.
# Piano!
# Upper view of the cute little cabin earlier.
# Reception area. Took off for the 2nd hotel. # M.S Garden. 4 star i guess. =) Me and chocolate's room. [ room 208 ]
# Comfy lil desk.
# Cushions.
After checking in, we went shopping! I bought 3 cute shirts. =) Mum bought, like, uncountable. Chocolate? She's complaining because she just had one. =D
Okay, then we went to the beach. Fishing. [ i did not. ] i just picked seashells. That's fun!
# Their fishing pose. I assumed its funny.
# Daddie, concentrating. # Mummy.
# I'm so in love. <3
# Me and chocolate's footprints. Left : mine, Right : chocolate's ROFL. did you notice it? chocolate is flat-legged! I laugh my ass off whenever i saw it.
# Aw, they're so sweet. # Now he's fishing. # These views are fab! They look fake, though. But i assure you, its REAL.
# Chocolate. Trying to be sexy. Obviously, failed.
At night, we went for dinner. Another seafood restaurant. Stuffed with seafood the whole trip. #Daddie. Isn't he adorable?
# Lovey-dovey.
# Meow. Yes, we saw a cat in the restaurant. It seemed hungry, so we feed it with fish. =)
1st June. 3 am. We woke up. Mad. We sat on the car, and headed to our destination. Who wants to go out in the middle of the night?! Or should i say, early in the morning?! =) We're heading to a mountain. We're climbing on it to see the sunrise at the top. It's so fucking high. If i saw it i won't climb it. But when we reached there it's night, so i did not see how high it is. And climbed. Oh my God. Sooo tired! There are some stairs, but there are a few slanting slopes. Dangerous! Whatever. So we climbed. And climbed. And climbed. Ta-Da! We reached the top! There are quite a number of people there. We waited for morning.
# Moments before sunrise.
Oh my God. We saw it. Its my first time seeing the sunrise. Its so fabulous! I've never seen it before. So amazed by it. The colours are absolutely beautiful! It lasted only a while, but its really, gorgeous. We managed to take a few shots.
# ?!
Fuck that. We did not get to see the sunrise. At all. The sky gets brighter, but we did not see the sun. Its a cloudy day, and the sun is so covered up by those fucking, clouds. What did we climbed up for? Fuck the sun!
Well whatever. And we climbed back down.
# She doesn't want to let go. =) # A few views along our path coming down. # Now it's bright, we saw just how high we climbed.
Yes. Finally we are down. We went to a food-stall place and ordered some drinks. Now this was the BEST part. I was walking to our table. Seriously, walking. Looking up, FYI. And i stepped into a fucking big hole and ouch! I dropped down. Face-down to the floor. Oh my God. I can't believe it. The hole was SO FUCKING BIG and i did not see it. What was i doing? It made me laughed my ass off the whole time thinking of it.
# Have a look at the drain hole. BIG? BIG? LMAO. Yes, i stepped right inside. That sooo friggin funny.
After our breakfast at the hotel, we went shopping again. =D Did not buy anything, though. Oh yes. Another BEST part. After breakfast, me and chocolate went up to our room. Note: our room is at 2nd floor. We need to bath, you know, after all those climbing. And then. Inside the lift. We waited. And then, at M floor [ some kind of worker's office, its below 2nd floor. ], A worker came inside the lift. And no, don't read chocolate's blog saying 'CHOCOLATE practically rushed out.' Let me tell you the truth of the scene. She SERIOUSLY dashed out of the lift. Because, yesterday, mum nearly got slammed by the lift doors which closed immediately after you go out. Chocolate didn't want the lift doors slamming into her, so she dashed out the minute the door opens, without checking the floor. I stayed in the lift, dumbfounded, looking at her incredulously. I thought, just what the hell is she doing? She stares back at me, seeing me standing there,tells me to come out quick before the door shut. I said : its not even the 2nd floor yet! She then realizes and ran back into the lift. I assure you, her expression is so, so funny. I laugh my ass off the whole time when we're checking out. I regretted not recording the whole event down. Such a pity.
After that we start our ride home. Stopped by for lunch.
# Here.
oh, We stopped by a temple too.
Few hours later, home sweet home.
------vacation ended------
Nuffnang ♥
Hits ♥
You Are The:
visitor today.
Profile ♥
Named Evelyn; CheeYen.
Born 16 years ago.
Gets 1 year older on every 19th July.
Trying to have faith.
Loves family, friends, Fluffy and life.
Criticizing and complaining is her profession.
Dancing and books are her passion.
She’s insane.
Beware, she bites.
She wants ♥
Straight A's <3
Health & family <3
Height of 160cm+ <3
More Books <3
Knowledge <3
Achieve maturity <3
Be compassionate and understanding! <3
What do i want to be in 10 years time?
Happy. (:
Love is something eternal, The aspect may change, But not the essence. -Vincent Van Gogh