Watched the Olympics yesterday. =]
What can i say, it's awesome.
The whole thing felt like watching a sci-fi.
Amazed by the technologies. =D
For those who missed it, i highly recommend you to watch the replay.
[ Not sure of the time and day, though. ]
Anyways, doggie watched along too.
And became the poser of the day. =)
# Look, he's watching intently.
He's soo adorable that i can't stand it. =]
Oh yeah.
Guess what's my breakfast this morning?
Hamburger-lovers would have said ' Wow, that's so cool! '
Wait till you see how my hamburger looks like.
Now i wana add a word.
It's not merely hamburger.
It's a retarded hamburger.
Thought it was funny, and took the picture. =)
Btw, the hamburger was home-made my mum.
P.S why does everything seems retarded to me these days?