This weblog does not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of anyone else.
It is solely my opinion.
Feel free to challenge me, disagree with me, or tell me I’m completely nuts in the comments section of each blog entry or my chat box, but I reserve the right to delete any comment or ban any person for any reason whatsoever (abusive, profane, rude, or anonymous comments) - so keep it polite, please.
Just in case.
If I say something stupid in the future, it’s better to be able to point out that the stupidity is mine, and mine alone.
My stupidity! You can’t have it! :)
Note: I do not take credit for the pictures i post unless i stamp my blogspot on it, thank you.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009,5:54 PM
Guess what guess what guess what.
I injured my left index finger yesterday night. And i assure you, it hurts like hell. How i did it? I was putting something in the drawer of my room. Then, i closed it --rephrase, slam it-- like i usually did. And i didn't realize my precious cute little index finger just happens to be in the way. And then --bam!-- cries of agony. And i think my nails look somewhat distorted. But luckily, thanks to God, Jesus, Allah, Buddha that i did not break my nail! Phew. At least fate still left me something.
Let me show you.
# Notice anything weird or retarded? No? I'll emphasize it then.
# See it now? Now return to the first picture, did you notice that red spot?
# This is the motherfucking goddamn drawer i slam.
# [ Demonstration of event ] At the time of the horrible tragedy my precious cute little index finger was somewhere there.
By the way, i didn't know how i can remember to take the picture of my finger just for the sake of my blog when i'm in dying agony. [ But of course, the pics of the drawers are took today, not at that time. ]
Today SUCKS! First, we have that stupid ass' class. His writing is so fucking small, and when we kindly inform him, guess what he say? 'Come in front and see for yourself.' What the hell? Didn't he have too respond like what normal people would, saying 'Okay sorry i'll try to write bigger.'? He's so ignorant, obnoxious, selfish! Argh. A complete asshole. I don't care what anyone says, i just hate him.
Second, dance club is cut off! I mean, not exactly, but then we have this house meeting thingy which we choose the captain. Somehow i think its useless because i'm not participating anyway.
Third, i'm piled up with homeworks! This really sucks. Imagine doing so many homeworks with an injured finger? [ I know its left hand and i'm right-handed, but i just wana complain something. ]
I think i'm completely packed my schedule full these days. And i find that there are dozens of things i needed to complete but haven't. Damn.
Thought of the Day: Everyone has a purpose in life. Perhaps mine is finding something to bitch about. =)
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![demon 211 [1600x1200]-2](
Named Evelyn; CheeYen.
Born 16 years ago.
Gets 1 year older on every 19th July.
Trying to have faith.
Loves family, friends, Fluffy and life.
Criticizing and complaining is her profession.
Dancing and books are her passion.
She’s insane.
Beware, she bites.
She wants ♥
Straight A's <3
Health & family <3
Height of 160cm+ <3
More Books <3
Knowledge <3
Achieve maturity <3
Be compassionate and understanding! <3
What do i want to be in 10 years time?
Happy. (:
Love is something eternal, The aspect may change, But not the essence. -Vincent Van Gogh