I have nothing interesting, special or mesmerizing to say for today.
And so, i think i'll just crap all the way to the end.
Please allow me. =)
Well, i wana write this funny incident.
There is this girl in my bus, --of course i won't mention the name, dummy-- and she loves to sing, i guess.
So she was always singing in the bus.
As in, not really singing for people to hear.
She sings surreptitiously, and she assumes no one is hearing.
But then but then, why did i always hear it?
Its super annoying, not to mention that her singing is seriously lousy.
And the funniest thing is, yesterday i caught her rolling her manila card and used it like a mic.
Oh my God i can't stop laughing.
And she even did stupid hand gestures!
For God's sake, are you think you're having a concert or something?
It'll be acceptable if she can sing well, but then, she's like --pardon my French-- croaking.
Please be more considerate of my ears and sight. =]
Okay, maybe you think i'm insulting --which i probably am-- but its just downright funny i can't stop thinking about it.
Oh, and my ribcage really, really hurts like hell.
I can't cough or laugh, it'll hurt more.
Argh, dancing really has its sacrifices.
Hope i'll be better tomorrow to endure the hip hop torturing session. =D
I seriously hate that teacher.
Loathe, even.
--No, i never talked about him in my blog before. This is the first.--
He is so fucking inconsiderate, and he teaches like lightning.
I can catch up, because i attend tuition, but some of my mates just couldn't.
He didn't even care.
And when our chapters are later than other classes or something, he was like 'How come you all are so slow?'
And when our workbook is not done to the page other classes done, he was like 'How come you all never do?'
For fuck's sake, you didn't even ask us to do it.
He thinks he understand us, he thinks he know everything.
Loathe him so much, and during his class i was muttering 'fuck you' all the time.
Yun surely know who is he, as i sat beside her while muttering 'fuck you'. =)
For others if you're interested who is he, ask me. ;D
Hey. You.
This time i don't think its my fault.
Yet i feel like apologizing.
Yet i don't want to do it.
I didn't do anything.
You're just sensitive.
I'm not blaming you, i know you're not in a good mood or something.
I'm just saying.
I really cherish everything, so i hope it'll be back to normal in no time.
Crapping feels good.
Typing feels good.
Insulting feels good!
I guess i'll crap more from now on. =]
When little things happen, they're put aside, stored in the corner of the heart.
But when it became more and more, the heart packed full and jammed.
Finally, boom.