This weblog does not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of anyone else.
It is solely my opinion.
Feel free to challenge me, disagree with me, or tell me I’m completely nuts in the comments section of each blog entry or my chat box, but I reserve the right to delete any comment or ban any person for any reason whatsoever (abusive, profane, rude, or anonymous comments) - so keep it polite, please.
Just in case.
If I say something stupid in the future, it’s better to be able to point out that the stupidity is mine, and mine alone.
My stupidity! You can’t have it! :)
Note: I do not take credit for the pictures i post unless i stamp my blogspot on it, thank you.
Friday, March 6, 2009,5:50 PM
I am BACK!
Freedom tastes so damn nice. Freed of all exams! Okay, gona stop crapping now. I'm going to do some updates for the past two weeks. It may be a long post, just brace yourself. I will make it as short as possible.
2 weeks ago @ Bistro, Jusco.
# Outfit.
# THE YUCKIEST DRINK IN THE WORLD! Its ice blended yam or something like that.
Theme: Abstract Art. Its art homework. I'm just gona post the done work even though i took the pics step by step. Saving space!
# The Abstract.
# I love the colours, no idea why, =)
Exam stuffs.
 # My messy room. =D
# Choco took this due to her stupid boredom.
# The papaya tree directly outside my bedroom window. I study facing it. The genius tree? =D
# Took this one day when i was too bored studying. Its houses behind my house. Because my bedroom faced the back, so i just stuck my hand out of the window and took it.
# I love this especially. Really got the feel. Btw, that's choco's bedroom window! My bedroom is on her left side.
# Exam countdown. Muahaha.
Love Moon Sanitary Napkins. [ Mainly promoting for girls, but guys can promote to their girlfriends too. ]
Mum bought these some days ago, due to a mesmerizing demo somewhere she saw. This sanitary napkin, branded Love Moon. I didn't believe her at first when she boasted about the amazing stuffs. But she did a demo for me!
We poured water to Kotex, Kotex with net, and this Love Moon. And although this Love Moon is poured nearly a cup of water, its still dry! We tear all three sanitary napkins, and inside Kotex its actually made of recycled paper. But Love Moon is made of some jelly-like stuff, which is very absorbent! For ladies who often overflow, i think this is a good choice.
Also, mum says there is iron inside it, so it will lessen your period pain. And the crazy thing is, she said when you got headache or something, stick the pad on your head and it will heal. I don't actually believe this, but maybe i'll try it out someday. [ Of course i will take the pictures. xD ]
Actually i didn't used it before. Gona try it during my next menstrual flow.
# This whole thing costs Rm200. Inside contains maxi, overnights and pantyliner.
 # The high class opener. =]
# This recycled paper inside Kotex.
# The jelly-like thing from Love Moon. [ I know its not clear. ]
# This is the inflammation testing thing. Chinese: 发炎 In the morning before you pee or anything, use the cotton bud and gently wipe your vagina --not inside, you dumb-- and then wipe it on the brown colour portion on that long paper.
# Then if it changes colour, refer to this inflammation colour contrastive form to see how serious is the inflammation.
 Mum set a mouse trap because it kept stealing our food. Caught it!
Choco says its adorable. Urgh. [ Okay, actually, its really cute. =) ]
# This funny thing which mum keeps. She wrote all ours and her schedule for classes.
# Exactly a 100 new emails after my two weeks absence.
New pics! Took them when i was studying.
   My fav: =]  Phew. Done.
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![demon 211 [1600x1200]-2](
Named Evelyn; CheeYen.
Born 16 years ago.
Gets 1 year older on every 19th July.
Trying to have faith.
Loves family, friends, Fluffy and life.
Criticizing and complaining is her profession.
Dancing and books are her passion.
She’s insane.
Beware, she bites.
She wants ♥
Straight A's <3
Health & family <3
Height of 160cm+ <3
More Books <3
Knowledge <3
Achieve maturity <3
Be compassionate and understanding! <3
What do i want to be in 10 years time?
Happy. (:
Love is something eternal, The aspect may change, But not the essence. -Vincent Van Gogh