This weblog does not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of anyone else.
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Just in case.
If I say something stupid in the future, it’s better to be able to point out that the stupidity is mine, and mine alone.
My stupidity! You can’t have it! :)
Note: I do not take credit for the pictures i post unless i stamp my blogspot on it, thank you.
Sunday, May 24, 2009,10:31 AM
 *Warning: Long post ahead.* Event: Kah Poh's Birthday Party.
Theme: Poolside Party. Venue: Forest Green Condo, Sg Long. Date: 23rd May 09. Time: 1pm to 12am. --latest-- Overall comment: Exceptionally fun. Amazing. Hilarious. Wonderful.
Attendants: Me, Sian Fei, Joanne, Quee Nie, Win Shen, Keng Seng, Shaun, Keh Lyn, Siew Yen, Darren, Valerie, Ding Xiang, Jasper, See Yong, Loong, Sunny, Kai Ven, Lucas, Soo Kee, Zi Sin, Ja Zheng, Way Chean, Russell, Richie, Jun Hong, Zhen Kai (?), Zhong Yi (?). --Sorry if i miss out any names. There are so many people there i can't remember.-- Note: The ones with (?) behind means i'm not sure how to spell the name. Correct me if i'm wrong.
# My outfit for the day. I'm not planning on swimming because of period, period. rofl.
I reached there at around, 1.15? Credits to Candy for fetching me. =) Anyway, Sian Fei and Win Shen came outside to meet me. Hanging around in Tiramisu's bedroom.
Btw, clothes of the day.
 # Keng Seng's. I think he's gay! Damn funny.
 # Russell's. Front : No fear. Back: 2nd place is the first loser. Not bad.
# Loong's. We must be the change we wish to see. Love it loads. =D
Ben Zee's was 'Shut the fuck up and drink your beer.' Didn't get to take the photo though.
Afterward we went to the pool.
# The pool!
# Playing water balloons made by Tiramisu. It takes a lot of energy to make the balloons burst.
# Keng Seng persuading him to go down to the pool.
# Left: Keng Seng. Middle: Siew Yen. Right: Shaun. They're pulling her down to the pool. Failed anyway, because she didn't bring clothes for changing.
# Kah Poh peace.
# Kah Poh and Win Shen, competing to see who can stay longer underwater.
Random pool activities:
Then then then. While everyone was having the utmost fun, these stupid guards came and tell them to be out of the pool, because no one was wearing swimsuits. They have no brains. Can't let us have some fun. =(
# Guard No.1. Pig face. Fat tummy.
# No.2. Ugly hair. Bushy Mustache.
Anyway, me and Win Shen witnessed these two kids fighting.
# They were circling the guards, and the fat one told the guard: Dia pukul saya! --pointing to the thin one-- It was so damn funny.
# Those kids scolding each other. The fat one looks like he wana cry. If he's so fat, why do he need to be scared of the skinny one? I even took a video of them fighting. rofl.
# I took picture of this signboard where they put the rules and regulations. Read carefully:
5. All swimmers must be shower before entering the pool. 'Must be shower.' Great grammar.
6. All swimmers must be property attired. Properly became property. Fantastic spelling. Lmao.
And then while we were heading to the playground, this fat woman came and tell me and Win Shen craps about 'you all should wear swimsuits, if not the guards will scold, and you made my son can't swim' bla bla bla. No idea what's she babbling about. Wana slap her.
# That's her. The red shirt fat bitch.
Okay, so everyone went to the playground, bidding for time for the guards to go away.
 # The birthday boy.
# Me, barefooted on the soil. Hurts.
Random playground activities:  Demo: Wrong way of playing the playground objects. Kids please don't try this okay. It's dangerous. They're just crazy.
       Demo: Wrong way of playing badminton.
# Loong using his hand, Shaun using the shuttle-cork holder.
After playing around, we went back to Kah Poh's apartment. Quee Nie was playing a stupid game at the balcony. She's trying to throw banana skins on the tree.
# Zi Sin's success! --The red circle. Can you see?--
# All of Quee Nie's failure. ROFLMAO.
We also played this game where we pass the Mimi snack around using our mouths. This.
It's extremely short, and you have to lean super close to get it. Of course we didn't really kiss, dummy. Hilarious. =D
Then Kah Poh brought out the cake!
# 1st cake from Secret Recipe. Tiramisu's birthday, Tiramisu flavour cake.
# Second cake. Not really delicious.
# Make a wish, make a wish.
# Cut the cake. =D Happy Birthday!
Ooh. There was this small piece of cake on the floor, accidentally dropped by someone. Anyway, Joanne and i was starring at it, wondering who would be careless enough to step it. Loong was. We were laughing like crazy. =]
Inspired by this, Kah Poh put this large chunk of cake right at the middle of the path.
We were trying to lure Ding Xiang and Lucas into stepping it, but failed. Someone stepped it in the end, i forgot who. Omg. Tell me please. =)
Then we went down by the pool again.
Random human piggy back riding on random human. They're random because i'm not really sure who they are. I just know one of them is Keng Seng.
Later, we planned to play 'Ice and Water' by the pool.
First Round: Win Shen, Russell, Bryan = Ice. [ Ice are suppose to be the ones who catch right? Not really sure. Whatever. ] Others = Water. Ran like crazy.
Second round: Girls = Ice. Guys = Water. You can imagine how hard it was to catch guys.
It's been so long since i ran like this, feels really good, the adrenaline. Love it. =) They say i ran fast, but well, not really. Anyway, stupid Ding Xiang said i was childish during the first round. And i wonder why he joined the game during the second. Then it fucking rained, ruined our game.
Me, Russell, Win Shen, Keng Seng, Jasper, Darren, Ben Zee, Bryan, Kai Ven etc went up to the apartment. Others was still by the pool swimming, i guess. Anyway, we commented on the stupid tv show. Ate, drank, chat.
One lil funny incident happened. Bryan asked me: Eh Chee Yen, why you cannot go swimming in the pool? I said: Period. He was like, omg, thunderstruck. His face, his face! He said: Why, why you say that? I was like: What? You asked for the reason. Omg. Roflmao. I didn't feel the embarrassment of telling guys i was having period. Told it to some, and they didn't mind. But Bryan was sensitive. Cute. =]
Later we went down. Some of them were swimming. Ben Zee, Lucas, me, Win Shen, Keng Seng, Jasper went to the playground. Lucas was drying his clothes on the slides. -_- Chatted with Win Shen on the swing. No idea why, it takes energy swinging the swing. Anyway, Candy said that she'll be fetching me back soon, so i went up to take my bag. Then at around 9.30, went back home. The whole thing was super duper fun, one hell of a party. ;D
P.S Finally i finished recalling the events. It takes a lot of time and energy to upload the pics and arranging them and typing the activities, mind you. So please appreciate my hard work. =D
P.P.S I was suppose to return at 7, but i ditched tuition. So damn guilty now. No idea how to confess to mum when she came back.
I'm really sorry. I couldn't bring myself to say it or do it. It pains me to hurt you, it really do.
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![demon 211 [1600x1200]-2](
Named Evelyn; CheeYen.
Born 16 years ago.
Gets 1 year older on every 19th July.
Trying to have faith.
Loves family, friends, Fluffy and life.
Criticizing and complaining is her profession.
Dancing and books are her passion.
She’s insane.
Beware, she bites.
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Straight A's <3
Health & family <3
Height of 160cm+ <3
More Books <3
Knowledge <3
Achieve maturity <3
Be compassionate and understanding! <3
What do i want to be in 10 years time?
Happy. (:
Love is something eternal, The aspect may change, But not the essence. -Vincent Van Gogh