Might be great news, might be bad news.
Demon will be Missing in Action.
Due: 24 days.
See you guys on the 30th of October! *Waves*
P.S. Yeah like i said, requests might needa wait.
P.P.S Erm.. if i can't control my urge or something, i might actually use Twitter for a bit. Remember to check it out if you're missing my craps --i doubt anyone would-- or something. Don't get your hopes up though. (:
I was standing at the cliff, just wandering around.
Then suddenly, they pushed me down mercilessly.
I was scared, so so scared.
But at the last minute, you came and grasped my hand.
You could just use some strength, and you can pull me up and rescue me.
You know that if you just tighten your grip a bit, you can save me and let me live.
But there's doubt in your eyes. You're thinking twice.
At that moment i panicked. I was afraid of what you might do.
Rescue me, or let me die?
But when i look into your eyes, i knew your decision.
You did like what i expected.
You let me go.
And I fell.
I close my eyes, and gave up.