This weblog does not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of anyone else.
It is solely my opinion.
Feel free to challenge me, disagree with me, or tell me I’m completely nuts in the comments section of each blog entry or my chat box, but I reserve the right to delete any comment or ban any person for any reason whatsoever (abusive, profane, rude, or anonymous comments) - so keep it polite, please.
Just in case.
If I say something stupid in the future, it’s better to be able to point out that the stupidity is mine, and mine alone.
My stupidity! You can’t have it! :)
Note: I do not take credit for the pictures i post unless i stamp my blogspot on it, thank you.
Thursday, December 31, 2009,7:20 PM
![5927051 [1600x1200]](
I am suddenly speechless. I've got no idea how to start this post, and what to write. Because today is the last day of the year, this post feels somehow... special. Just like everything else. Everything felt special today. Like, you find yourself thinking 'this is the last time i wake up to the morning of year 2009' , 'the last breakfast for 2009' etc. etc. You find yourself appreciating more of every second, savoring each and every moment, because it's the last of this year. ( Saying 'last time doing blablabla feels terrible. I should stop being pessimistic. But what i mean is 'last time of this year' not the 'last last time' okay? Despite it sounding horrible, i repeated it so damn many times already. ) I think i shall start with stating down some significant changes that had occurred to me this year. ( I really want to write this down, for the sake of my perusal next time. That's what blogging is to me, most of the time. )
Year 2009, i found my beloved, him. It was surprising, to find someone i love. ( As in romantically in love okay, not those family slash friend love. ) Because according to Choco, i was a 'cold-hearted bitch'. She didn't say the bitch, although in her heart she's screaming it. So it was a shock, literally, to her when she got the news. It was equally surprising to me too, but it was a good surprise, nevertheless. Of course, you can never have a perfect relationship, there are ups and downs for sure. But everything is worth it. There's this beautiful quote which i read from a book, it says 爱不会让人受伤, 会让人受伤的不是爱. The best translation i came up with: Love doesn't hurt, what hurts isn't love that cause it. I totally agree with it. And to you: I love you my baby. --Quoting Gossip Girl-- Always have, always will. Hearts.
Year 2009, i found my Senior 2 Charity, which may not be perfect, but near enough. I've found friends, true friends that genuinely like me, and i love them back. I don't ask for their love, i don't ask for their willingness to share every secret with me. I just hope they genuinely like me, that's all. And being self-conscious, i know i've got shitloads of 'enemies' who dislike/hate/despise/loathe me. But having that few true friends is enough, more than enough. Senior 2 Charity, they may not all like me, and some of them are not even close to me, but it's okay, 'cause they're great classmates. (:
Year 2009, i've got satisfactory material possession. Firstly, i'd bought my baby laptop, which i'm using right now. Okay, i hate it for not having backlit keyboard, but it functions well enough, so i'm not complaining. And then i've got pretty heels, flats, slippers, clothes, dresses, bags etc. But of course, these will never be enough. Every girl will agree. *laughs* I'm still looking for my dream heels so... ahem. Scratch that. I'm satisfied! ;D
Year 2009, i become a Jodi Picoult fan. Like, oh my god i love her book so damn much. I currently owned 8 of her books now, and i'm planning to buy all of them. Likewise, i became a 九把刀 ( Giddens ) fan too. His ideas may be bizarre, and outrageous, and ludicrous and whatever word else you can come out with, but it's amusing, and hilarious somehow. Love his dry humour. Plus, my collection of books ( plus Choco's, since we shared anyway ) is growing larger and larger. Reading is definitely something i love doing, not out of habit/duty but out of avocation. (:
Year 2009, ( and all the years before ) i find that, i really really love my family. I'm a typical Cancer. I didn't come to love my family because i'm a Cancer, i was born loving them. My dad, he seems fierce, and unreasonable at times, but he's actually cute and he really cares about us. Mum, she's downright funny and adorable. Yes, like other mums, she may nag all the time, but she loves us very much, and she really did everything for our own good. Choco, hell, she's the best sister ever. ( To Choco: Don't be touched or anything, i'm exaggerating! =P ) We have this really miraculous bond between us, mentally. We always end up saying the same thing at the same time, or thinking about the same song, and we can even finish off each others' sentences. =)
To summarize it, year 2009 had been ( still being ) a fantastic one. All the memories, either good or bad, will be stored in my heart. At times, i might play them across my mind again, and drown myself in the reverie of this wonderful year. Thank you for playing a part in the memories, all of you. (:
I'm sorry for this word heavy post, and some of you who only love pictures had probably skipped this. But who cares? Like i said, sadly, the main point of blogging these craps is for my sole benefit. Apologies! And if you've read til so far, --or maybe, just scrolled down straight away which is predictable for some-- i'm saying: May God bless you. Okay that's so not me, ignore that. Wish you don't forget this goddamn 2009, and make sure you have a better year next year, or you'll be damned. *laughs* Happy new year!
2010, here i come.
The Date before New Year Eve.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009,7:45 PM
![FP 226 [1600x1200]](
Hang out place today was The Mines. Choco, Ghia and KarYin went shopping together, while i met up with dear. Shopped for a while, then off to the cinema for Sherlock Holmes.
![sherlock_holmes_movie_poster_-_showest_2009__2_ [1600x1200]](
It's kinda surprising that there were so many Malays at The Mines. I'm not being a racist here okay, just making an observation. No offense to all! ![DSC02175 [1600x1200]a]( This cute stage for the chipmunks. And then, due to some reasons ( not gona mention it here, because it's controversial to some ) we went out of the cinema. Then we went to the kbox which is named Just K or something. It's a pity i forgot to take pics of the entrance.
![DSC02180 [1600x1200]a]( The room. Love the table, the shimmering stars change colours.
![DSC02181 [1600x1200]a]( And this is cool! Touch screen to choose songs. But sad thing, it doesn't function really well, i always chose the wrong song. ( Or maybe it's 'cause of my nails. =x )
![DSC02182 [1600x1200]a]( The view to outside. Omg. I can't believe there're swimming pools in Mines.
![DSC02183 [1600x1200]a]( Couple tee-shirt, xmas gift given by dear. Thanks baby, love it lots! (:
![DSC02191 [1600x1200]a]( Later we went for a walk at Heritage. View of the lake.
![DSC02189 [1600x1200]a]( Saw daddy and mummy swan again. =)
I'm sorry if you think this post is a bit crappy. I'm referring to my lack of effort to make this any interesting. And the pictures are simply edited. Thing is, i'm pretty exhausted now. All i want --and need-- is a good sleep.
P.S. Happy New Year's Eve's Eve! ;D P.P.S Gotta go take my new passport and rebonding my hair tomorrow. Will be really busy. Will try to blog though, since it's the last post of the year. (:
-----Thank you for the xmas gift. Hearts to you.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009,8:33 PM
![FP 225 [1600x1200]](
I'm exhausted, so i'm not blogging today! ( Wait... I think i just did. )
Monday, December 28, 2009,2:42 PM
![FP 224 [1600x1200]](
It's officially the last week of year end school holidays. And i can't believe it! I was just warming up, and now it's over already. Next week at this time, i'll be at school. Feels so... surreal. Plus, PMR PMR PMR next year and so fuck fuck fuck. I'm freaking out because i don't want holidays to end! Another month, please? (: Guess what i've been doing these days? ( Well, except for the normal eat sleep breath pee etc. ) I think i've kinda abandoned my Facebook. Apologies! But fortunately i did not abandon my blog. The cause of all this is, i'm currently freaking about Gossip Girl. =)
![GossipGirl_S1_flat [1600x1200]](
It's a really really hilarious and great drama, you should watch it. I just finished watching the first season yesterday. (: I am addicted to it! Gona watch the second season soon!
But of course, another *highlights* big big reason is because of..
![gossip-girl-gap-ads-02 [1600x1200]](
This guy i have the hots for since god knows when. Chace Crawford. Or, in Gossip Girl's case, Nathaniel Archibald. ( In fact, he's in my wish list if you look at my profile! ) C'mon, you have to admit he's hot! Ain't he? ;D
Today is someone's birthday. ( So is everyday. Yeah i noticed. ) But this particular person is pretty good looking, and he's a celebrity.
![normalaffdc3ef06d52331aic9 [1600x1200]a]( Happy Birthday Mike He! ( I used to freak about him a lot last time, but of course it's Chace Crawford now. Ah, and JaeJoong. )
Sunday, December 27, 2009,4:06 PM
![FP 219 [1600x1200]](
The post i promised, before and after my haircut. Gotta be short though. Vain pics of mine you won't wana see! ;D
![demon 097 [1600x1200]]( You see, my hair was bushy. And thick.
![demon 101 [1600x1200]]( And maybe annoying. Plus fringe was too long.
![demon 135 [1600x1200]]( My hair is thinner! Easier to wash.
![demon 124 [1600x1200]]( Not bushy anymore. And looks nicer.
![demon 120 [1600x1200]]( And lighter. See? I'm happier. Roflmao.
And one more thing to reveal. Like i said, you have to straighten your hair before you cut it at Susan's. She straightened it temporarily without any cream. So, well, my hair is kinda ruined now, became rougher, and ends curled up. But that's expected when you go for a hair cut, not to mention she cut it real thin. But no worries, it can be fixed, i'm gona go straighten it permanently anyway. My point is, thank God i took the pics before i wash my hair and i just came back from the saloon. =)
Note: The above pics are simply edited using Flickr. Still need Photoshop. Sobs.
P.S. I finally ran out of upcoming posts. Shit, have to crack my head to think about what to blog tomorrow. Be prepared for another crap post. ( Probably. )
Saturday, December 26, 2009,5:28 PM
![FP 223 [1600x1200]](
Happy Boxing Day! Got any presents you'd wished for? (: I'm here to update about my Christmas this year, which was... read on and you'll know.
In the morning, the trio went to Sg Wang and take note: I'm not as lucky as you guys, so you know i can't really go out to far places to shop. And yeah, to my mum, Sg Wang / Midvalley / Pavilion / Times Square / KLCC is really, really far. So i don't usually go there, maybe annually. Sad thing, yeah. So you can probably imagine me getting hyped up yesterday. (: Bought lotsa stuffs, mum relented because it's year end shopping, and she want us to buy clothes for new year. Seriously, i love year ends. ( And the sales. ;D )
After we came back from the shopping spree, it's nearly time for the musical concert thing we were to attend at night. Apparently, dad paid a great deal for it and we were forced to go. Actually, it's not a concert at all. And it isn't music-ish, it's percussion. To add to it, it's chinese percussion. So all you do there was sit down and listen to those traditional chinese musics. No i'm not insulting it, just that i'm just not interested. But the scenario was grand, nevertheless.
![DSC08136 [1600x1200]a](
![DSC08144 [1600x1200]a]( Here. Looks grand, aye? There was like so damn many people on the stage, all playing traditional chinese instruments. Oh, did i mention that it was held at PGRM? Missed that place so much! Bought back school concerts memories. =)
![DSC08158 [1600x1200]a]( Demon and mummy, outside the hall.
![DSC08159 [1600x1200]a]( Mummy and Choco.
![DSC08160 [1600x1200]a]( Mummy!
![DSC08161 [1600x1200]a]( The traditional musical instruments on display. ( If you can kindly ignore my funny face, i'll be really thankful. )
![DSC08164 [1600x1200]a]( Demon and Choco.
![DSC08163 [1600x1200]a]( Another Choco and mummy.
![DSC08186 [1600x1200]a]( Back inside the hall. And thankfully the whole percussion performance ended! Cheers!
The best Xmas gift ever.
![DSC08211 [1600x1200]a]( Finally, my very own.
Friday, December 25, 2009,5:47 PM
Hohoho. Merry Christmas, folks. (:
Thursday, December 24, 2009,1:28 PM
![FP 222 [1600x1200]](
As you can see, this is the second post of the day.
Anyone having plans for Christmas? Because i sure as hell am going to stay at home. I seriously wish i can go to Midvalley or something, you know, at least to see the Christmas decorations. But we'll have a celebration at mama's house i guess. Anyway, i'm posting up this pictures edited by KengSeng. ( The lucky bastard who has Photoshop. Kidding. ) You would have saw them already if you read Queenie's blog though.
![xMasFriendsEdited [1600x1200]]( This didn't include everyone, just a few.
![xMas1 [1600x1200]]( Okay fine, this doesn't include everyone either, and a name is spelled wrong. See if you can find it. *laughs* Btw, search me! I think i look funny in a cute way. Or rather, i look cute in a funny way. ;D
Take note: KengSeng had spent hours or maybe days doing this, you please do appreciate it. I'm expressing my gratitude here. Thanks for the hard work, Sour. (:
Merry Christmas Eve! ( Even as much as i hated to admit this, i didn't get presents for anyone. Yet. )  Btw, i chose this pic because can you see? There's a husky plushie beside the christmas tree on your right. Spot it? (:
Tagged, in Mandarin for the first time.
1:27 PM
Tagged by JaZheng and MaySan.点名规则: A. 被点到名字的要在自己的博客里写下自己的答案,然后去掉一个你最不喜欢的问题再加上一个你的问题,仍然组成20个问题,传给其他8个人,列出其他8个需要 回答问题的人的名字,还要到这8个人的部落格裡留言通知对方——你被点名了,被点名者不得拒绝回答问题,完成游戏的人将会永远得到大家的祝福。B. 这8个人要在自己的部落格裡註明是从哪裡接到的,并且再传给其他8个人,让游戏继续下去,不得回传。被点到名字的人将会得到大家的祝福,并且所有美好的愿望都会在不久的将来实现。 Tag:1. Choco2. Yun3. Ling4. -5. -6. -7. -8. -( Sorry, i really can't think of anyone else who fancy chinese tags. Do it if you want. )
Questions:1.你希望从朋友(不包括爱人)那里得到的是什麼?信任. 2.点你的人是?JaZheng, MaySan. 3.最受不了自己的哪个缺点? 无聊. 4.难过的时候会? 哭. 5.现在有什么愿望?( 说出3个 ) -快乐. -得到想要的. -再来三个愿望. ;D 6.以一个形容词形容点名的人的外表Ja: 三八. San: 可爱. 7.你现在最想做的是什麼? 睡觉.8.用一个字形容自己 吵.9.你的梦想? 无限. 10.现在最希望的事? 睡觉!11.最想要的东西是?食物. 12.接下来最想去旅行的国家或城市? 为什么?米兰. 购物. =D 13. 你为什么要回答这些问题?因为我无聊.14. 怕不怕世界末日?不怕. 迟早的事.15.什麼时候觉得孤独?不知道.16.最近一次掉眼泪是?忘了.17.想对点你名的人说的话?加油! 18.家人重要还是伴侣重要?都一样. 19.相信“一见钟情”吗?或许吧.20.如果世界末日来临,你会做什么? 告诉所爱的人,我爱他们.
Note: Please don't blame me for the short and lame answers. But the thing is, the questions didn't really need long long answers! =D
P.S. I was finally finally relieve of the burden of watching My Queen aka Queen of No Marriage. No, the drama was okay, but but but, i'm just too lazy to watch and all. So Choco gave up asking me to watch and told me the ending. *laughs* This adds to the long list of those drama that i only watched halfway. =X
Wednesday, December 23, 2009,2:11 PM
![FP 216 [1600x1200]](
As i mentioned in my previous post, went on another double date at Jusco on Monday. ( Not like i can hang out anywhere further. ) Went with the usual pair, me and dear, Choco and her baby. Mum was extra okay with us going out, no idea why. Probably because she had a line dance performance yesterday night and she don't really have the time to care about us. =)
Reached there at about 11+ and went to buy movie tickets. Dear arrived shortly. Watched Avatar!
![avatar_poster [1600x1200]]( And it is one hell of a great movie. The story line is unique, and the animations of the avatar characters are great, seemed real enough. Highly recommended! *Two thumbs up!*
Then Choco went buying shoes/bags with her baby, while me and dear went to Greenbox. Only RM10++, which was definitely worth for 3 hours time singing till your throat crack.
![DSC00001 [1600x1200]]( If i'm not mistaken, the song playing was If I were a boy by Beyonce. Missed it!
![DSC00003 [1600x1200]]( Food glorious food! The drink was free, of course. The food was only RM3 can you believe it?? Apparently Greenbox was doing some charity thing, and you just have to pay RM3 to buy that 东于哲 card thing ( not really sure why ), then you can order buy 1 free 1! ( Of course there were specific meals to choose, not simply from the menu. Still worth it though. )
Later, we went slacking and walking and shopping around. Of course we stopped by at Popular. ( It's a must! ) We were waiting for Choco actually. They were at the cinema.
![DSC00004 [1600x1200]]( My baby, and his Christmas present in advanced from me. The cap. He chose it himself. (: ( Somehow the colourful background looked nice, aye? )
![DSC00006 [1600x1200]]( Me me me and the cap. Starbucks anyone? ( The colour is adjusted at Flickr. )
Later followed YeeAng's car home, which was a really uncomfortable trip, because he didn't tell his mum that we needed a ride. So well, felt so embarrassed about it, need to mafan the auntie fetch us. Sobs. That pretty much sums up the day. (:
Thanks my dear. Hearts.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009,3:32 PM
![FP 220 [1600x1200]](
According to Wikipedia, 'The Winter Solstice occurs exactly when the earth's axial tilt is farthest away from the sun at its maximum of 23° 26'. Though the Winter Solstice lasts only an instant in time, the term is also colloquially used as Midwinter or contrastingly the first day of winter to refer to the day on which it occurs. More evident to those in high latitudes, this is the...' bla bla bla. Like i care. All i know is, Winter Solstice / 冬至 means 汤圆 ( tangyuan )! And according to online translators, 汤圆 is referred as sweet dumplings served in soup or just sweet dumplings.
And just like every year, the trio made tangyuan! ( I'm still not used to calling it sweet dumplings okay. )
![DSC08063 [1600x1200]]( The flour. White, pink and peach/orange/whatever colour that's called. ( Looks like shit, literally? The peach one. )
![DSC08067 [1600x1200]]( Tangyuan! ( I'm not writing in chinese 'cause maybe some of your comps can't read chinese. I'm being considerate! =D )
![DSC08069 [1600x1200]]( Tangyuan in boiled water. Apparently those who float are okay for consuming.
![DSC08070 [1600x1200]]( Fun fact for you: Demons can make tangyuan! ;D
![DSC08075 [1600x1200]]( The red bean soup that's gona go with our tangyuan.
![DSC08073 [1600x1200]]( For amusement! Mr.Tortoise is done! *laughs* Cute? There's eyes and pattern on it's back too. (:
![DSC08074 [1600x1200]]( I made one every year. Actually i was lazy to make one for this year, but mum asked me to. Rofl.
![DSC08077 [1600x1200]]( Mr.Tortoise still sinking. ( Hope you can see it. ) The other cooked tangyuan are waiting obediently for the king. *grins*
![DSC08080 [1600x1200]]( Mr.Tortoise cooked! Doing a belly flop.
![DSC08081000 [1600x1200]]( Damn, it's seriously cute. ( Note: Pic edited by KengSeng, 'cause he has photoshop sobs. Thanks! )
![DSC08078 [1600x1200]]( Mini game: Can you spot Mr.Tortoise? ( Okay i'm being insane.. But do have a try. =P )
![DSC00005 [1600x1200]]( Mr.Tortoise had its bath in the red bean soup. Ready to be eaten!
Lastly, Happy Winter Solstice everyone! Enjoy your tangyuan with your family or friends. (:
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![demon 211 [1600x1200]-2](
Named Evelyn; CheeYen.
Born 16 years ago.
Gets 1 year older on every 19th July.
Trying to have faith.
Loves family, friends, Fluffy and life.
Criticizing and complaining is her profession.
Dancing and books are her passion.
She’s insane.
Beware, she bites.
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Straight A's <3
Health & family <3
Height of 160cm+ <3
More Books <3
Knowledge <3
Achieve maturity <3
Be compassionate and understanding! <3
What do i want to be in 10 years time?
Happy. (:
Love is something eternal, The aspect may change, But not the essence. -Vincent Van Gogh