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Note: I do not take credit for the pictures i post unless i stamp my blogspot on it, thank you.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011,6:24 PM
Yes i'm finally going to update about the performance thing. This will be a long long post, i'll try to let the pictures do the talking and not to babble. Note: I do not take credit for all the pics, they're from Ghia, Winter, Summer & Ultimax's albums at Facebook.
Date: 2nd July 2011. Supposedly Event: May and Sally's Line Dance Party. Our event: Dance performance. Venue: Cheers Palace. Time: 2pm - 2am. ( wtf ah. ) Us: VIP Crew and Milky Way from Ultimax Dance Studio.
The three seasons ( Spring Summer Winter hahaha ) came by and fetched us to Cheers Palace, we reached at about 2pm, the others were already there. Gobble up MCD in the car while we wait for Pinky mummy to arrive.
![264525_1844996686232_1280097349_31619339_4599983_n [1600x1200]_副本]( Our name tags, it's not like we put them on though. =x If you're wondering, Cheers Palace is the name of a restaurant, it's somewhere near Leisure Mall.
![260290_10150691497240594_616445593_19362554_527458_n [1600x1200]_副本]( Adorable Pinky and Eric! Couple tee, couple watches, couple shoes. So sweet aww.
![260387_10150691495850594_616445593_19362538_2667309_n [1600x1200]_副本]( Warm up and stretch before we began the rehearsals. Btw the whole party will only start at 7pm, we went there earlier for practice and make up blabla.
![263015_10150691498710594_616445593_19362606_3414993_n [1600x1200]_副本]( Our designer cutting and modifying the cheap t-shirts we bought from the market. Ohmy.
![262714_10150691501895594_616445593_19362709_7595482_n [1600x1200]_副本]( After a few round of practices, we started changing and making up. Winter is helping me fix my annoying eyebrows lol! I can't stop commenting and complaining sorry. ;p The make up was super thick because Pinky wanted us to have the triple times effect more than the average make up omg.
![270461_10150691505650594_616445593_19362868_4208120_n [1600x1200]_副本]( Ta-da, full outfit for my opening performance. Hair done by Nepa, make up by Summer & Nepa, shirt from Pinky, pants my own, leggings from Summer, shoes from Yee. Haha most of the things aren't mine wtf. My hair was supposed to be more like a punk than this cute coconut but the hairspray wasn't enough i guess? *laughs*
![260088_10150691507755594_616445593_19362938_4176433_n [1600x1200]_副本]( After everyone had their outfit and make up done. This is not really the whole VIP crew because Sam and Jonathan weren't in it.
![262015_10150691508095594_616445593_19362944_1900772_n [1600x1200]_副本]( VIP girls! 6 of us are doing the opening performance, we only get to practice the dance for 2 days damn nervous okay.
![260589_10150691506935594_616445593_19362919_3528900_n [1600x1200]_副本]( Love this picture so much. ((:
![261710_10150691510280594_616445593_19363015_1181806_n [1600x1200]_副本_副本]( With Yee, Winter, Ghia and Wilson.
![270930_10150691509560594_616445593_19362992_5342057_n [1600x1200]_副本]( With Pinky, Nepa, Ashley and Sam.
![263106_167250943340726_139584259440728_392806_5629543_n [1600x1200]_副本]( VIP Crew and the organizer, May, aka Pinky's mum.
![267491_10150691509885594_616445593_19363005_4349125_n [1600x1200]_副本]( Group picture of VIP Crew and Milky Way! (:
![268568_167261576672996_139584259440728_392987_2009339_n [1600x1200]_副本]( And finally the party started, this was us doing the opening. Aren't we colourful? Thank God i didn't miss any steps..
![260460_1845011606605_1280097349_31619398_782525_n [1600x1200]_副本]( After the opening, immediately we changed to the outfit for our second performance. Hair done by Nepa again (she's seriously a pro), shirt modified by Nepa, pants my own, football socks, and my gorgeous Nike from HK heh.
![261440_167277143338106_139584259440728_393177_3436234_n [1600x1200]_副本]( Meet the VIP Crew! Love you guys (:
![267404_167268230005664_139584259440728_393091_1968577_n [1600x1200]_副本]( Dancing for 7 minutes lol. Yeap we all bought colourful football socks heh. I missed a step wtf and it was an obvious mistake grr. I wonder how can i screw up this performance that i had learned for months, but was okay for the opening that i had only learned for 2 days. -_-
![268196_167287256670428_139584259440728_393260_3780983_n [1600x1200]_副本]( Girls of Milky Way and VIP. ( Milky Way performed a dance too, of course. )
![260550_1845016926738_1280097349_31619415_7691767_n [1600x1200]_副本]( VIPs, Yellow purple blue red green. Man i love our socks.
![270881_167288320003655_139584259440728_393290_7263095_n [1600x1200]_副本]( Hip hop style yeahhh.
![262781_167288566670297_139584259440728_393304_556901_n [1600x1200]_副本]( Feminine side of us?
![262341_167288760003611_139584259440728_393310_2049407_n [1600x1200]_副本]( Monkeys like us, i seriously doubt it HAHA.
![261651_167289053336915_139584259440728_393318_6422459_n [1600x1200]_副本]( Palms!
![264111_167289273336893_139584259440728_393322_4046987_n [1600x1200]_副本]( Legs!
![262156_167289336670220_139584259440728_393323_1661265_n [1600x1200]_副本]( Butts! Can you say we aren't crazy? -_-
![271171_167286883337132_139584259440728_393249_404486_n [1600x1200]_副本]( Last group picture of VIP Crew and Milky Way. (:
Anyway, after our performance we ate then we start making a little party of our own at the side. Took crazy videos and loads of photos. We did record for our dance performance, i wonder when will they post it on Facebook though. The party kinda end at 12am if i'm not mistaken, and all of us went for some aftermath gathering. Overtime full, Inhouse full, we ended up at Station One. Didn't take any pictures though, i was so exhausted i can collapse already.
Reached home at 2am. So technically i had been out and busy for 12 freaking hours. Fell asleep just when my head touched the pillow heh. To summarize it all it was a wonderful day and i seriously love all of you so damn much. VIPs, rock on!
It's like a gamble. One by one i hand in my cards, one by one i let on. Of course i saved the best cards for the last, everyone does that. And now, i only have one last card left. If i throw this card in, i might win. Or will i lose the game?
why do i feel as if i'm losing?
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![demon 211 [1600x1200]-2](
Named Evelyn; CheeYen.
Born 16 years ago.
Gets 1 year older on every 19th July.
Trying to have faith.
Loves family, friends, Fluffy and life.
Criticizing and complaining is her profession.
Dancing and books are her passion.
She’s insane.
Beware, she bites.
She wants ♥
Straight A's <3
Health & family <3
Height of 160cm+ <3
More Books <3
Knowledge <3
Achieve maturity <3
Be compassionate and understanding! <3
What do i want to be in 10 years time?
Happy. (:
Love is something eternal, The aspect may change, But not the essence. -Vincent Van Gogh