This weblog does not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of anyone else.
It is solely my opinion.
Feel free to challenge me, disagree with me, or tell me I’m completely nuts in the comments section of each blog entry or my chat box, but I reserve the right to delete any comment or ban any person for any reason whatsoever (abusive, profane, rude, or anonymous comments) - so keep it polite, please.
Just in case.
If I say something stupid in the future, it’s better to be able to point out that the stupidity is mine, and mine alone.
My stupidity! You can’t have it! :)
Note: I do not take credit for the pictures i post unless i stamp my blogspot on it, thank you.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012,7:09 PM
Happy birthday Lee Yin Ling! You know i love you so much :)
![DSCN4806 [1600x1200]_副本_副本-001]( The card that AgnesGoh and I made for her. Cute, no? It's a handmade measuring tape slash card, it can be folded into a tiny giraffe or extended to 180cm+ long. I can't even hold the card up, obviously it's longer than my pathetic height.
![DSCN4836 [1600x1200]_副本-001]( The card and the Pillopet for her. Agnes and I have Pillopets too, so we wanted to get her something that all three of us can own together.
We also made an awesome cake and a photo frame with our pictures on it, but sadly i don't have the pictures. She was totally caught off guard, she said it was her first ever genuine surprise and she cried! I am so happy our surprise worked. Babe can't you see how much we love you? :)
Wednesday, March 21, 2012,6:20 PM
As promised, the sequel for my Redang Island post. I brought back souvenirs,didn't blog about it earlier because i hadn't gave them yet and i don't wana spoil the surprise. Keeping this short and simple!
![DSCN4760 [1600x1200]_副本_副本-1]( For Jes and Yin as their birthday present, and for Agnes and Ling as souvenirs. Bought empty glass bottles at Redang & picked up the tiny seashells by hand! It was quite a tiring job hmmph. Forgive me for my ugly writing, it's not easy to write on small 3D surfaces okay.
![IMG_3882 [1600x1200]_副本-1]( I picked a tiny bottle of seashells for my baby too :)
![DSCN4779 [1600x1200]_副本-1]( And also bought this adorable scuba diving voodoo, one for each of us. It was funny when Yee and I were buying it, because it's not easy to find similar big&small ones and i was really determined to get the same looking ones. So we sat at the floor of the souvenir store (ignorant of other customers) and searched high and low in the baskets the shop owner gave to us lol. Finally i found mine! It's not 100% same of course but at least it's very much alike yay :D
Tuesday, March 20, 2012,8:51 PM
Thursday, March 15, 2012,4:02 PM
10th -12th March 2012 @ Redang Island, invigorating expedition with dad, mum & sis. (: Woke up at 6 - reported ourselves to the airport at 7 - boarded plane at 9 - reached Kuala Terengganu after 45min - boat ride at 12 for 1hr30min - finally reached at 2 (all time approximated).
![IMG_3731 [1600x1200]_副本-1]( Our tedious journey was rewarded with this piece of amazing and spectacular view. It simply took my breath away.
![IMG_3744 [1600x1200]_副本-1]( The colour of the sea varies (i'm guessing due to the depth) from dark blue to cobalt blue to baby blue to cerulean to turquoise to alice blue to you name it. The ethereal beauty just grips you there...nature always have this power to struck us with awe.
![IMG_3745 [1600x1200]_副本-1]( I was practically devouring every inch of the sea with my eyes as far as my vision could reach. The sea stretched to infinity and it was more than beautiful.
![IMG_3776 [1600x1200]_副本-1]( Laguna Redang Island Resort, the resort that we stayed at.
![IMG_3725 [1600x1200]_副本-1]( Their buffet was awesome!
![IMG_3758 [1600x1200]_副本-1]( Mum and dad before we went snorkeling.
![IMG_3756 [1600x1200]_副本-1]( Shark!
Technically, this was the very first time i snorkel officially. The last time was when i was 12 and we came to Redang and i sat by the land while wearing the snorkeling mask and stuff my head into the water to look at the fishes like some idiot so it doesn't count. Snorkeling was quite an out-of-the-world experience, a lil terrifying because i can't swim (admittedly) plus water keeps getting into my mask i have no idea why. Nevertheless it was nice. (:
![IMG_3866 [1600x1200]_副本-1]( This was how our resort room looks like. One room has 4 beds yet we booked 2 rooms because we didn't know. Felt so cheated. We supposedly booked the expensive sea-view room and i was really excited about it. Until i realize that 'sea-view' simply means the resort was facing the sea, period. You can't see the sea. Only hints of blue from the spaces between the leaves. May all those coconut trees be damned.
![DSCN4666 [1600x1200]_副本-1]( The next morning, woke up early in hopes to watch the sunrise. Ended up disappointed, but the transformation of the sky was still gorgeous!
![IMG_3769 [1600x1200]_副本-1]( Even a DSLR could not completely capture the essence of its beauty.
![IMG_3791 [1600x1200]_副本-1]( Looking at the picture might seem just like your average windows wallpaper but in reality it's beyond that. I believe that no matter how many times you watch nature, you will stay amazed by it.
![IMG_3768 [1600x1200]_副本-1]( Pig and bunny on the beach (:
![DSCN4723 [1600x1200]_副本-1]( The twin tower and the bridge, for my babes.
![DSCN4714 [1600x1200]_副本-1]( Birthday wishes for Jes&Yin to make amends for not being able to attend their birthday party.
![DSCN4728 [1600x1200]_副本-1]( ♥ (:
![IMG_3820 [1600x1200]_副本-1]( Apparently a HK movie named 夏日么么茶 was filmed at Redang. The movie was repeatedly shown on our room TV. I can probably recite some of the dialogues verbatim. (The other channels were too boring). Above were the face-hole boards for the characters and the background was the cute wooden inn in the movie (:
![IMG_3847 [1600x1200]_副本-1]( They're cute aren't they.
![IMG_3840 [1600x1200]_副本-1]( At night they have this ShowBiz going on where performers sing. Supposedly the next day they have beach dancing but we missed it because we went home sad.
![IMG_3922 [1600x1200]_副本-1]( Random picture at Terengganu, in a concealed 'Turtle Alley' which got us shrieking in delight when we discovered it.
Woke up at 7 - buffet at 8 - sudden severe stomachache with unidentified cause - boat ride at 9.30 - tortured by merciless stomach frozen by aircond - horrible seasickness - threw up - zombie-walked around Terengganu - airport - threw up - plane - KL - fatigue but finally home sweet home.
All in all the last day was an unmitigated disaster.
I was actually fantasizing about reading a nice book peacefully by the beach but we didn't have much ample time to spare. Plus guess what i was reading an article about tsunami in the National Geographic magazine...imagine how does that feel when you're sitting right in front of the culprit. It got me having loads of outrageous scenes playing in my mind that scared the hell out of me! :O
Anyway, I would definitely love to visit Redang again, but not before i visited other gorgeous beaches in Malaysia. There's actually a little sequel to this blog post. Will blog about it soon (:
Friday, March 9, 2012,8:00 PM
![tumblr_lcbo44iy381qcm7uko1_500_large [1600x1200]]( Oh i miss Disneyland.
Exam is unofficially over, as you people know school was closed yesterday because of the flood and Physics papers are postponed. Well i'm glad because i now have more time to prepare for the paper, but not glad because we don't have any more excuses if we can't score since we have an extra week to study sigh. I shall put that thought aside because holiday begins now.
Guess what, i'm dating Pulau Redang tomorrow with dad, mum and yee. I miss the sea. Do wait for my update :)
P.S. Happy birthday to JesJes and happy birthday in advanced dear Yin (can't blog on sunday so i'm wishing you first)! Have a blast tomorrow, I love you girls xo.
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Named Evelyn; CheeYen.
Born 16 years ago.
Gets 1 year older on every 19th July.
Trying to have faith.
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Be compassionate and understanding! <3
What do i want to be in 10 years time?
Happy. (:
Love is something eternal, The aspect may change, But not the essence. -Vincent Van Gogh