♪ Happy birthday to you ♫
♫ You're born in the zoo ♪
♪ You look like a monkey ♫
♫ And smells like it too ♪
* cheers, claps *
* 'make a wish!' *
* 'blow the candle!' *
* claps *
* 'cut the cake!' *
* cheer, claps *
----Imaginary birthday ceremony ended----
* clears throat *
Okay, back to the reality.
Let me make an endorsement before we start.
Happy Birthday, CHOCOLATE! =)
or, if you prefer this.
Happy friggin' birthday, motherass.
Yeah, and that's all my wishes.
Liked the present?
Of course you would.
You know pretty well how much it cost me. =/
Anyway, today we went to jusco to celebrate Hime's birthday.
Not really celebrating.
In fact, we just went there for lunch.
Secret Recipe.
We very well assumed that eating a slice of cake is celebrating a birthday.
The food's okay, though.
To be specific, it's scrumptious.
Ah, now.
The long awaited photos. [ Aren't you excited? ]
Birthday girl being shy. =D

# Mum's Tropical smoothie.
# Me and chocolate's ice blended cappuccino.
# Me and chocolate's eaten prawn macaroni cheese.
Ah yes.
We were cheated! =S
We ordered the seafood spring roll.
And look at the difference between the menu's and the real.
# Menu's.
# Real.

It looked so
freaking big at the menu.
And what came out?
Birthday cake! Or you should say, slice. It's chocolate indulgence, FYI.

# Mum's black pepper chicken rice.

The humour of today goes to...
She's so
Look at what she did.

Spot the
exchanged the white chair with the brown one!
The photo are unclear, but i assure you, the real one
is funny.
The tall white chair looks weird at the small table.
And the small brown chair looks weird at the big table.
Can you
imagine it?
She changed it because she wanted to rest her hands on the chair.
And she said that the white one's
laugh my ass off looking at that.
Can't help taking a few shots. =D
After that, shop for a while, and went home.
----Reality birthday ceremony ended----Ah.
This Friday i'm going to Kuantan.
For the beach, sunset stuff.
I'll return on Sunday.
So i'll give an
update of my holiday when i'm back. =)
One more.
I'm totally
in love with Rhage.
bloody hot, for heaven's sake!