My departure had been requested from hell because there are no vacancies.
Anyway, i came back with bad news.
As in, really BAD.
The computer's hard disk just went kaboom and corrupted.
And i mean, CORRUPTED.
Every tiny-mini-micro-nano things are officially GONE.
Not much important things except songs, pictures etc.
But still, what the fuck?
After a few days mourning the hard disk, the new one finally came.
The comp person just install everything and the computer is back to life.
But with a different brain.
It feels exactly like buying a new computer.
And everything seems hideous.
Looks weird.
The windows, everything.
And just so you know, the time and date at the right corner is in chinese.
How weirder can it get?
I think i'm gona ask chocolate to change it if possible.
Ah fuck, i hate the computer already. =/