This weblog does not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of anyone else.
It is solely my opinion.
Feel free to challenge me, disagree with me, or tell me I’m completely nuts in the comments section of each blog entry or my chat box, but I reserve the right to delete any comment or ban any person for any reason whatsoever (abusive, profane, rude, or anonymous comments) - so keep it polite, please.
Just in case.
If I say something stupid in the future, it’s better to be able to point out that the stupidity is mine, and mine alone.
My stupidity! You can’t have it! :)
Note: I do not take credit for the pictures i post unless i stamp my blogspot on it, thank you.
Thursday, December 11, 2008,6:15 PM
Actually i think, now my blog is not really about my life is it?
Its about all those useless photos, jokes, facts and craps. Well i don't care. [ No, i care! ] But its not like my days are interesting during holidays. And i don't wana bore you with my everyday-the-same-routine days. Okay, i'm going to report something now. Uh, today i cleaned my room, the study table. Not exactly the table, i just managed to finish cleaning the drawers. And maybe there's some problem with chocolate because she started cleaning her bookshelves too. Well, its a very tiring job, and i hate the dust. And i also happened to broke one of my nail when i didn't saw the sharp end of the stupid file. I wana throw that file away you know, but mum will probably just stuff it back. So i just stuck it inside the lowest drawer in the lowest position stacked my my other files. Hah, serve it right for breaking my nail. [ Am i, uh, punishing the file? Okay, i'm mad. ] To distract you from demon's utter madness, you'll get to see another stack of pictures.
Digital Photography and Art. [ This is really cool. Some are directly by camera shots, and some are from photoshop. ]
                   I kind of love the pictures. Because it has got a type of taste in it. Like, tasteful. Kind of like touched but not exactly like that. You can seem to feel the photographers feeling. Do you get me? [ Okay, after reading it through again, i don't even get myself. ] Uh, the word to describe it will be... When you look at it you got the type of feeling. Artistic? That's the closest i've got so far. Okay whatever. I'm dying to learn photoshop too!
--DEMON's bloody world with vengeance-- [ Everyone you may as well leave. But if you insist on staying, don't ask. ]
Why is it 'with vengeance' but not 'self addicted and narcissism' this time? Well because i'm angry, and hating someone particularly. If i say hate, maybe its too serious? I'll put it as dislike then. FGS, I dislike you. Sometimes its okay, but other times its like, i detest you! I can't stand the way you talk. You really think you know everything? Bossing about stupid common stuffs. And laughing at people when they did not do what you do. You think everyone who is not like you as low rank people don't you think? Use your brain excuse me. You're fucking immature. Whats so good about you that you're so proud of? I thought you'll be different if time passes, but unfortunately, you're still the same.
--Quote - Elizabeth Bennet-- 'Hateful Man!' [ Or, Hateful Woman! ]
Thought of the Day: Cleaning is tiring.
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![demon 211 [1600x1200]-2](
Named Evelyn; CheeYen.
Born 16 years ago.
Gets 1 year older on every 19th July.
Trying to have faith.
Loves family, friends, Fluffy and life.
Criticizing and complaining is her profession.
Dancing and books are her passion.
She’s insane.
Beware, she bites.
She wants ♥
Straight A's <3
Health & family <3
Height of 160cm+ <3
More Books <3
Knowledge <3
Achieve maturity <3
Be compassionate and understanding! <3
What do i want to be in 10 years time?
Happy. (:
Love is something eternal, The aspect may change, But not the essence. -Vincent Van Gogh