Homework piled high.
And i'm sacrificing myself to blog, just for you guys!
[ Really, as if. ]
School was normal today, except that Art teacher is absent and we spent that hour talking our heads off.
And we were hold back 10 minutes late for break. =(
Then at 2pm today there was this stupid health talk about Aedes.
We were suppose to sit on the floor at the hall, and its just plain boring.
I didn't even bother listening.
Yes i know dengue is fatal and dangerous and stuff, but the guy talking is just very very boring.
He doesn't know how to make jokes or make the talk any interesting.
Talked my head off that time too. =D
Later there is bm tuition!
Argh. Just thinking about it makes me wana puke.
Its necessary for me, as my bm is shit, so i try not to complain.
But then, is there any student out there who loves tuition?
I seriously doubt it.
To: You.
Is it funny seeing me getting my hopes up, started wishing and praying, just to finally let you slam down to earth again?