Yesterday was Fun Fair Day! =)
It started from 10.50am to 2.00pm.
Got a big big surprise when Fatiha and Marissa came to visit us!
Missed them soo much.
Anyway, the fun fair was kinda fun.
Lotsa stuff was sold.
Some who sold lollipop told me: You'll be prettier and more clever plus a dancing pro if you eat our lollipop!
One more more exaggerated: You'll feel like a God eating this lolli!
Make me LMAO.
Then there was this PS3 thing for people to play.
So generous of some people to bring the PLASMA screen TV. Omg.
Then there was this DJ thing where people can choose song to dedicate.
And they can dance there too.
Saw an asshole dancing, which is soo fugly.
Then we went to the Haunted House!
[ The 4 Joy's. ]
I was quite scared when i was queuing, but when we went in its not scary at all!
Its FUNNY! =)
When i just went in i shouted 'Hew Chee Yee where are you?'
Muahaha. But stupid choco didn't answer me. =(
Then my friends went to the 3 Able's Haunted House, which was --quote--LAME.
[ No offense. ]
Anyway, later some of them went to see Shutter, then me and the others just slacked around.
An asshole came scaring us with the stupid ghost mask, and we scolded him like crazy. =)
Then then then its the end of school!
But when i went down to the bus park, no bus was there.
Heard people say there was this severe flood at Hulu Langat and they blocked the road.
And we're suppose to wait!
Oh never mind.
I slacked around with Fei, Xuan, Yun, Yin Ling and Katherine.
Acted dramatic all the way.
Its getting dark at school and Fei & Xuan went home.
So we slacked with Win Shen, Keng Seng etc. instead.
Played like crazy, insane, mad cows.
Oops, --rephrase-- Played like crazy, insane, mad cow.
[ The cow is rephrased as single instead of plural, because, well, i was the one. ]
Then we was waiting and waiting and waiting.
And playing and playing and playing.
And acting and acting and acting.
All the while i regretted not bringing my phone to take photos. =(
Btw, i heard some guy say '我们好像灾民!' --in cantonese--
[ English: We're like those flood victims! ]
Which made me laughing like crazy.
Finally bus managed to squeeze through the flooded road, inching its way to our school at around 8.30pm.
Reached home around 9.00pm.
Fuck, the first hip hop class was canceled.
The whole event was like a one-day trip.
Well, we get to see the night time scenery of our school, as yun put it.
Then choco realize it was Friday the 13th which was known as an unlucky day.
Because 13 was considered as irregular and incompleteness.
Plus Friday was supposed to be an unlucky day of the week.
But anyway, i don't think its really that unlucky,--minus the hip hop class-- 'cause i had fun!
Btw, there is three Friday the 13th this year.
Which falls on February, March and November.
Special info to let you brace yourself on November. =]
This post is for yesterday, so i'll post again today.