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Saturday, May 30, 2009,1:01 PM
 * Warning: Long post ahead. *
Woke up at 12 this morning, which is quite a record for me.
Anyway, i'm gona update on yesterday.
Event: Gathering. Theme: None. Date: 29th May 09. Venue: Sunway Lagoon. Attendants: Me, Sian Fei, Yin Ling, Win Shen, Kah Chun, Kah Ming, Jun Kai, JJ, Sy Kuan, Shaun, Lucas, Richie, Li Wei, Loong. *Ding Xiang was suppose to be there, but he canceled last minute due to some reasons.
Me and Yin Ling went there by Sian Fei's car. =) Reached there around, no idea when. 9? We were at the Sunway Lagoon entrance when Win Shen called and say they're at somewhere near Sunway Pyramid. We walked the whole way to that place and waited for Win Shen, Loong, Shaun, and who else? to finish their breakfast. Then we walk to Sunway Pyramid to meet up with Kah Chun, Kah Ming, Lucas and others.
 # These was taken at Sunway Pyramid.
So, everyone present, we set off to Sunway Lagoon!
After moments of discussion, we decided to go to 2 parks ( Water and Amusement Park ) which cost RM 58 for those with MyKad ( IC ) and more expensive for those without.
# We were given this band thingy where we have to wear the whole time.
*Addition pic* [ Forgot to write about this. Win Shen's blog enlighten me. ] --Photo courtesy of Win Shen, too.--
# Mr.Ngiam Kah Chun, tour guide of the day. He was hilarious. There was one place where we saw a cat statue, he actually pointed to it and say "Okay everyone. Now we've arrived in Kuching, Sarawak." Roflmao.
# Random. Walking to the locker i guess.
We then went inside, and put our things in the locker. That's the reason why there's not much pics, because my phone is inside the locker. [ But i'll still write everything out for my own sake of perusal next time. ]
The first thing we played was this turn thingy, where it goes round and round and round until you feel really faint. Yin Ling felt really faint after this, she can't heave herself to walk. So she sat there and rest, someone accompanying her, and the rest of us went to play others. Second we played this erm, kinda like the kid thing at The Mines, you know? Fun, nevertheless.
Third we played this: [ Photo courtesy of Win Shen. ]
It goes round and round too. And fast.
Later we played this water thing. Lucas say we'll only be a little wet from it. Argh, he lied.
# Before the ride. Kah Chun & Lucas.
# On the ride. Win Shen and Kah Chun. Photo courtesy of Sian Fei.
Then we were on the way to the roller coaster. Saw this thing and took pics. =)
# Left: Richie, Right: Jun Kai.
# Shaun. He failed to get his head through. =D
# Before the roller coaster. Whats with Lucas's face? =)
Later we went to play roller coaster.
# Ignore my fugly face please. I forgot to use my left hand to cover. Rofl.
It's a mini one i guess, not really exciting. We were singing 爱我别走 while on it, so damn funny.
After wards, we went to find Yin Ling. Me, Loong and Shaun stayed to accompany her, while the others went and played this:
  Looks like fun, doesn't it?
Then, we wanted to set of to the Water Park. Yin Ling was still unwell, so she stayed at the First Aid room. I have no pictures at all for the Water Park, even Win Shen put his phone back to the locker. Firstly we played this sliding thing, with your front to the mat and off you go sliding down something like a slide with water splashing around. [ I'm really bad at describing. Bet you don't know what this is. ] Anyway, i forgot to close my eyes, and water splashed inside my eyes, making my left contact lens slip up inside my eye. --No, it's not scary like how it sounds, quite normal actually-- Credits to Kah Chun & Win Shen for helping me adjust it. Though i must admit it somehow feels quite scary with someone jabbing and poking at your eyes. But they were gentle, so no worries. =]
Later we played this slide, --this time it's really a slide-- the most part of this slide was covered, so can't see anything when inside. Then played another slide, which have so much friction till my bum hurts. =/
Then we went to a swimming area where they'll be waves at sometime. Fun, but my area was limited till 1.5m, plus i don't know how to swim. =] Everyone was crazy, carrying each other on each other's back, throwing each other down the water, splashing each other with water.
After that Kah Chun was dying to play on those playground-like-things on water he ran up one of them, others went with him too. But the guard chase them down, saying it's for kids only. ROFLMAO. I wonder will they chase me down if i went up, considering my height. [ Now, why am i insulting myself? ]
Anyway, then we went to walk a big round on the water around the whole area. Singing and splashing water, extreme fun. =D
Later went to the beach-like place. Saw people playing Flying Fox, i'm so damn jealous! [ We can't play because it's one of the items of Extreme Park, which we didn't pay for. ] Played around in the water. =) At one point, everyone hold hands and form a circle. Then we started singing 爱我别走 again. Earn many curious gaze from spectators. And then and then, we realize some cameraman was taking pictures of us! Omg. So damn embarrassing. Plus, the cameraman was those cameraman with big DVs. Rofl. Maybe we'll appear in the Sunway Lagoon advertisement? Gotta check it out. =]
Then we went to the beach side, and put?--urgh, what happen to my vocab?-- sand on top of Jun Kai. Like, making him a sand man. ROFL. What the hell am i talking about? --I don't care! As long as i understand-- They made him breasts, and an erection. Laughed my ass off.
After that we went to bath. The guys were taking so much time in the toilet, putting gel on their hair and stuffs. -_- Girls were faster than them. Lmao.
They later played this:
 Some of us didn't play, me included. I did not regret. It looks so damn scary. =)
Then they played another which is much more scarier. I didn't. =)
Then we went to see Yin Ling, seems like she was feeling much better. Most of them went playing the big roller coaster.
# You probably can't see, but they're there.
# The Wagon Wheel. Didn't ride on it though.
Some of us stayed back accompanying Yin Ling. =] After that, went to Sunway Pyramid's McDonald for lunch. Or dinner?
# Passed by this pasta shop. So many pasta samples, cute. =D
# Before going inside. From left: Lucas, Kah Chun, Mr McD Clown, Richie and Win Shen.
# Higher quality pic. Credits to Sy Kuan.
# My McFlurry. =)
# From left: Win Shen, Loong, Li Wei, Richie, Kah Chun and Sy Kuan.
# Everyone.
Then me, Yin Ling, Kah Chun, Kah Ming, JJ, Li Wei and Lucas follow Jun Kai's mum's car to Jun Kai's house which was --quoting Kah Chun-- '很大,很美'. Kah Chun said it for about 10 times, and he's not lying. Jun Kai's house was massive, beautiful and modern. =]
# We were in the car. That's Jun Kai's house. Not clear from here though.
 # He has two living rooms. This is the second. It's specially made for KTV. =) We sang there. Feels like Green Box. Rofl.
# From the KTV room. The door is transparent! Love it loads.
# JJ sleeping. He put on a peace sign for the sake of this pic.
Kah Chun brought me, Yin Ling and Li Wei out for a little tour of Jun Kai's house. He had a problem with the 'modern' door, in which Yin Ling opened easily. =D
# The pond. With fishes inside. Damn nice.
 # Gigantic houses around the neighbourhood.
# The yard/garden. Sorry for the quality. It's hard to take pics in the dark. From left: Jun Kai, Kah Chun, Li Wei, Yin Ling.
# From left: Li Wei, Yin Ling, Kah Chun, Jun Kai.
We played volleyball too! It's my first time playing volleyball the right way, thanks to Mr.Ngiam Kah Chun. It's hard, actually, and hurts, too. But fun. I've always loved volleyball. As long as it's not under the sun. Then Kah Ming come and join us in the volleyball game. =)
Later played the electronic piano. Lols. I forgot everything about piano. --Some of them were still singing in the KTV room, shouting, actually-- Kah Chun's mum come and fetch us --exclude Yin Ling-- to South City Plaza. Thank you auntie! When we reached, mum was already waiting. Went straight to Ultimax.
Actually mum was furious. Dad, livid. But it's okay now. Whatever the price, yesterday was worth it.
Now i realize that there will never be a chance for us. There never was. I was so happy, but when realization hits, my heart broke beyond repair.
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![demon 211 [1600x1200]-2](
Named Evelyn; CheeYen.
Born 16 years ago.
Gets 1 year older on every 19th July.
Trying to have faith.
Loves family, friends, Fluffy and life.
Criticizing and complaining is her profession.
Dancing and books are her passion.
She’s insane.
Beware, she bites.
She wants ♥
Straight A's <3
Health & family <3
Height of 160cm+ <3
More Books <3
Knowledge <3
Achieve maturity <3
Be compassionate and understanding! <3
What do i want to be in 10 years time?
Happy. (:
Love is something eternal, The aspect may change, But not the essence. -Vincent Van Gogh