Stayed home till afternoon when me and choco went dancing.
Mum's friends came to visit, as they were doing the Love Moon Sanitary Napkin demo.
[ A few salesman came. ]
Later we will probably go to celebrate aunt's birthday.
But i'm still forced to go to tuition, alone.
Abandoned by Yin Ling again. =(
I am so bored.
I mean, boring.
[ This is my frequent language mistake. =) ]
--Edited after post--
Nearly forgot i was tagged by Vii Wong. =)
Reminded only after i saw Nie's blog.
Here we go:
Exam haters tag.
1. Define exam.
Annoying, irritating, exasperating, strenuous and arduous ordeal. =(
2. Regrets in studying for exams.
3. Sleeps in every test.
No. Don't think so. Sometimes maybe.
4. Cheat.
Sometimes. =)
5. Exam tips
Will share with friends if i'm positive of the answer. But if i'm doubting, i don't think i'll 'cause might be wrong. =]