Fortunately, no seat changings today. =)
Its English Week, and today we're gona write an essay.
The options that was gave to us:
1. The person i admire most.
2. My memories in Seri Suria.
3. What would i do if i am a millionaire.
4. An unforgettable incident.
I chose the incident thing, and am still thinking about what to write.
I don't wana win anything actually, hate going up stage and take prize. =(
[ Its a phobia! =D ]
But. Okay. Its not absolute that i'll win right?
So i'll just do my best.
Uh. Not best. Better cut some slack. =]
If i were to write My Memories in Seri Suria, this is what i would write.
Seri Suria is a great school. It has all the amazing facilities one perfect school will ask for. I studied her since kindergarten, and i am still in love with my school. I've made a lot of good friends, especially since i entered the secondary section. Every bit of my experience in the school was wonderful until......that Bitch came poking her big ugly nose in every matter.
[ And i'm sure everyone knew who's the Bitch. Ask me if you're still unsure, will tell you in private. =) ]
If i were to write What Would I Do If I Am a Millionaire, this is what i would write.
If i got the chance to be a millionaire, the first thing I would do is built a SIX PACK ZOO. I will buy every hot man in this world with great abs and six pack to put in this zoo. Everyone is very welcomed to visit, for a price of around RM 50. In this zoo there will be hundreds and thousands of hotties walking around, some in the cage, some tied up and some serving as a waiter or something. Visitors can even request a pail or bucket before they enter the zoo as we don't want saliva all over the place when they salivate and drool over the men. =D
[ Sian Fei gave me this idea actually. What i first said was buy every hot guy with six pack and put them in my house. The original idea of Fei's was Six Pack Museum, but everything in a museum is dead, aren't it? In a zoo, i suppose everything is alive and breathing. ]
Thanks for tolerating my bunch of craps. =]
Entrepreneur was kinda fun, we played truth or dare.
That was me, yun, yin, boon, cotton and mocha.
We dared mocha to walk around holding hands with jason and confess her love to the senior 1 anonymous guy.
Yun was dared to sing and do actions in front of the class.
Me, hmmph, I think i got the best. I was dared to scold sookee.
It was way funny.
Did you know that scolding and insulting is one of my talents?
If you've been reading my blog, well, you should know it already.
And as for the truth side, well well well, all secrets revealed. =)
Having tuition later, which sucks. =(
It always suck.
Its not the problem of the teacher or the setting or anything.
Its the subject itself.
Bahasa Malaysia.
I cannot tolerate it any longer. D=