Gona post up Yin Ling's birthday prezzie!
[ Btw her birthday is 27th March. I forgot to update. =) ]
# This is the super kawaii present! Its a tabung. =)
# The cute card. Yin Ling loves pink.
# The cardboard baggy. =D
Well, school today was okay.
Its the class photography session today, and i'm sure i looked ugly again.
Class photos were never acceptable.
And because of the session, teachers all went to take photos so we managed to skip some classes.
[ Like the boring geography and the suckish ICT ]
I've got lots of homeworks piled up again.
They're not those normal homeworks, its those project-like stuffs where you need to research.
And tomorrow is english oral test, gona prepare for it. =(
I'm never going in.
Just when i thought --again-- that i'm nearly there, i'm out again.
Its all too bad, isn't it?