School idea. Practically did nothing. I mean, yeah, exactly. We did nothing. Oh, 'cept for English i suppose. Sat there devouring The Time Traveler's Wife, determined to finish it by this week. It's a great book, just that i usually don't have much time to read. Sobs. Anyway, Ling said she will not be going to school tomorrow. Damn. ):
Our class spent the whole day talking crapping playing poker and in Queenie's case, creating a masterpiece. =) Too bad there's no photo about it. Anyway, something was amusing. I was reading and dear was bored i suppose, so he drew this:
Well, that was suppose to be 'me'. Dear was really convinced that it looked very much like me. Ling eventually agreed too. I was really amused. Roflmao. Thanks anyway, baby. (:
Was bored, therefore went through my documents and found this pics that i wana post quite long ago. It's Queenie's birthday present! ;D
It's a coin bank. In case of emergency, break glass. Get the irony? ;D
Damn nice. I always love products from U2ME. My carrot and chili were from there too. And Choco's mouse pad. And Sour's present. Speaking about Sour's present, i might post it up tomorrow, 'cause will give it to him by then. Stay tuned! =)
Right now i feel so.. so..
That's the thing. I don't know how to describe how i feel.
Actually i don't really know what i'm thinking, what i'm feeling, or what i'm suppose to think and feel.
Wtf is this.